How adoptions work

Kārearea adoptions are a special way to help support the restoration efforts of these incredible falcons, creating a lasting impact and helping them thrive for future generations.

Every year a selection of our resident kārearea are made available for adoption for a 12 month period.

At the end of this 12 month period the current adopter will be given the first ‘right of renewal’ before the falcon is made available for adoption to the general public.

The proceeds of these adoptions go towards the costs of food, veterinary care, breeding programmes and maintenance of enclosures.

Kārearea adoptions are a unique gift idea either for a significant birthday, or when shopping for those hard-to-buy-for people in your life! With varying levels of adoption available there is an option for almost everyone.

Adoption confers no legal ownership.

The falcons housed at the Kārearea Falcon Trust are held under licence from the Department of Conservation.

Levels of Adoption.

Kārearea avilable for adoption