MALE | Arrived November 2018
Tahi arrived in November 2018 as an adult male, he had been found injured in Westwood, Dunedin.
He had sustained a badly fractured humerus which Dunedin Wildlife Hospital had to pin to repair.
He was then transferred to our care for rehabilitation. Sadly his wing did not repair enough for him to be returned to the wild despite everyone's best efforts.
Tahi has now been paired with Kōwhai, to be given a chance to raise chicks that can be released to the wild.
Tahi was given his name by our previous manager Diana Dobson.
BRONZE - The Bell Family, from Blenheim & Kerikeri NZ
SILVER - Waikawa Bay School, 'Furry Friends Elective Group'
GOLD - Carr Family, from Christchuch NZ (2nd year of adoption)
If you would like to adopt Tahi - head to our Adopt a Falcon page