Restorative Breeding


Our resident pairs of kārearea are falcons that cannot be rehabilitated and released back into the wild. Once paired up and breeding, the breeding team employs various breeding techniques to encourage the successful production of falcon chicks for release.

It is an integral part of the trust.

We are incredibly fortunate to be one of only two organisations in New Zealand permitted by the Department of Conservation to hold and breed our NZ native falcons.

The number of our kārearea residents is ever-changing when you account for our hatches, rescues, releases and, sadly, deaths. We have a relatively stable population of breeding pairs, many of whom would not survive in the wild due to life-threatening injuries or issues.


With less than 8,000 kārearea left in New Zealand, our mission is to restore the population to ensure the future of the New Zealand falcon in Aotearoa

Our captive breeding program has already seen success with 85 young birds being released into the wild.

" We have successfully
raised and released
83 chicks into the wild. 

Dramatically impacting
the kārearea population."

— Holly Turner, Centre Manager